This next set of pictures is from a month or so ago, when we were traveling with Mom and Dad in Croatia and Slovenia.
As you might remember from when I wrote about it ages ago, we had one night on the island of Hvar, Croatia. Here we are on the ferry... all reading our travel guides except me, taking the picture. Tourists!

Hvar is a beautiful place to visit -- one distinctive thing about it is there are lots of pomegranates growing there. These were just outside our apartment.

This stone carving also features pomegranates, at the right. Grapes and olives on the left and center.

We went out for a musical concert that evening in Hvar, and Claire dressed for the occasion:

Jumping back a week further, here are Mom and Dad in Slovenia. This was in the park up above the Skocjan caves.

And from inside the cave itself, this is one of the entrances:

Deep inside the cave, it is dark (obviously) but there is a lot of artificial lighting. The space is so large that the camera flash is completely useless, so it is difficult to take pictures. This one is kind of blurry, but you can see the pathway around the edge of the huge underground chasm with the river running through it. Definitely one of the most amazing things we saw on the whole trip.
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