Sunday, December 11, 2011

Running the Zürich Silvesterlauf

Just a short note tonight! Today Claire and I ran our first race here, the 35th annual Zurich Silversterlauf.

Silverster is "New Years Eve", and "Lauf" is Run.  I know it isn't New Years Eve yet, and I can't explain why they have the run two weeks early.

As usual for Zurich, it was easy and convenient to take the tram from our house to the race start.  Apparently there were about 17,000 people running in different parts of the race (there were different categories and distances).  Our category was very crowded - for the first of the four laps, I was thinking of the Pampelona Running of the Bulls, while Claire was reminded of the Bravo Del Botti race we saw in Montepulciano.At various points around the track we ran under big inflatable arches, and had to negotiate around corners and other obstacles - but mostly it was just other runners all around us.

We did pretty well.  Claire came in about 5 minutes behind the fastest women - a very good time and 12th in her age category!  I managed to beat her by 15 seconds, but that was far behind the fastest men, and I was in something like 190th in my category.  There were 3000 women and 5000 men in the race, so we did ok.

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