Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's been a busy two or three weeks! We're down to our final 3 days here before we leave. And of course, we just can't have too much to do, so we took a break from packing and cleaning the condo and ran in the Seafair Torchlight 8 km race Saturday night. It's a nice route, starting at the stadiums, up the Viaduct past Seattle Center, turn around and then all the way down the parade route back to the stadiums again.

We did pretty well -- Claire ran it in almost exactly the same time as last year for her, but I did a little better. For some reason the official race results don't include our names and numbers... I've emailed "the people in charge" and they are looking into it but I don't expect much. Nonetheless, I crossed the line at 33 minutes and around 15 seconds I think, and Claire was close behind at about 36:12.

Mom and Dad were up at Seattle Center by the parade route start, and Dad got some pictures of us as we went by:

1 comment:

Gary said...

Torrey, seriously, runners aren't supposed to look that fit!

Bon voyage!